Rockwern Academy
Jewish Day School | Cincinnati, Ohio
My children attend this school, so when they needed a new advertising campaign, I aspired to create work that would really elevate their brand.
As I audited private school advertising, I found myself comparing the students in the ads with the photos my parent friends posted on social media. The children in the ads were behind desks, pristine, with their hands raised. They had little in common with the exuberant kids I saw in my feed – funny, messy, busy, stubborn, and creative.
I hoped to create a campaign where these fun little personalities could shine. At the same time, the client wanted me to emphasize science and engineering, and ensure that Rockwern's identity as a Jewish school was clear. I presented a number of concepts and the client selected my favorite - using real students, we depicted them in future careers with as few props as possible, surrounded by illustrations that tied in STEM and Judaism, and suggested limitless imagination as well.
I designed a microsite (developed by LeeAnne Galioto) to track responses and capture leads. The school was so thrilled with the campaign, results, and buzz generated that they worked with me to write, design, and produce their first ever comprehensive admissions brochure.
This project was so much fun - truly a labor of love. This work was conceived and executed by me in my capacity as Art Director at Zaptivity.